
Billings APA

For the fact of being distant of the main quarters, in the last few decades had to the population crecimento of the cities, the sprouting of land divisions around of the dams Billings and Guarapiranga occurred, being thus the city grew each time more for the South, invading an extensive area of remaining Atlantic Bush of the city of So Paulo and the region Metropolitan. After 2000, when the interest for the area was despertou, mainly caused by the problems that occurred there, the city hall and the Secretariat of the Green and Environment they had year introduced some programs (public politics) in the attempt to diminish the problems caused for the irregular occupation and the contamination of the dams. The main program dated of 1996 eh known as Program Sources (SVMA, 2001) whose objective is the recovery ambient partner of slum quarters and located precarious land divisions in the region of the Guarapiranga dam. After four years paralyzed, in 2005 the Program was extended and started to also act in the areas of the Billings dam. Had its recent creation, the APA Capivari – Monos is reflected of a new politics of environment in Brazil. The governments are investing of legal form to create units of protection, whose objectives are to keep and to brake the advance of the populations on area of excellent ecological interest and the integral and controlled protection of the diverse ecosystems found in Brazil. 2.4 The Institute Chico Mendes the Areas of Ambient Protection are Unidades de Conservao of the nature of sustainable use and are tied with the Institute Chico Mendes de Conservao of Biodiversity (ICMBio). Created recently in 2007, one is about an entailed autarchy to the Ministry of the Environment of the Federal Government that integrates the National System of the Environment (Sisnama). Being its main paper to manage the 11 Units of Conservation, that are areas of important ecological value, as it is the case of the APA Capivari – Monos, fit to the institute to execute the actions of the national politics of Units of Conservation, being also exerted the function of: to consider, to implant, to manage, to protect, to fiscalize and to monitor the UCs, consisting then of vital importance for the APA.