
Spark Fabrication

Erosion (from Lat. Erosio – attack) – the process of destruction of the surface under the impact of shocks, friction, electrical discharges etc. Spark erosion is to change shape, geometric dimensions, the roughness surface under the action of electric discharges. The method was first proposed by Soviet scientists B. Lazarenko in the early 30-ies of XX century and became effective alternative to conventional machining, reducing the cost of manufacturing. Unfortunately, this method of treatment of products currently in Russia deserve forgotten, despite the diversity of its capabilities and worldwide recognition.

The method allows the following treatments: cutting hard metals Precision Milling, Grinding, Lapping Other methods used in the manufacture of molds, dies, extrusion dies, patterns, parts of a complex curvilinear Profile, tools, and various cutting tools, dental supplies. The essence of the method is electrical discharge machining. Machining of the workpiece and tool electrodes are (part-plus Machining tools – minus), placed in a special working conductive liquid. With the passage of an electric discharge between the electrodes of an arc and in places it is of local heating and subsequent evaporation of the metal particles with the formation of local depressions. The size of pits depends on the density of electrical energy. To get arcs that can destroy the surface workpiece using a pulse generator.

Almost all of the currently available tools, designed for ESS can be divided into several groups: broaching machines – the main technological problem of these machines is making the holes. The control system of the machine actually runs only one axis – Z. On the axes X and Y are installed optical ruler. On it by moving the electrode in a container with kerosene. The machine is mostly used for finishing products. Duplicating Machines Saddle – more complicated, "fancy" Saddle modification. They are used for the manufacture and finishing finishing details complex shapes, such as dies, molds, handling of the Deaf, cutting, angular grooves, burning internal threads in remote places. Have a high capacity for arable products. In addition, They established a system with CNC control pulse generator, and Items of the machine in the X and Y. Wire-cut-out machines – the main technological challenge of making it part of the hard tooling steel sections which are uncomfortable to handle the milling. Wire EDM can be used in the manufacture of products with a presence on the surfaces of acute internal corners, small radii or when machined parts or depth electrodes presents difficulties for milling. The main processing element – special (Molybdenum) wire, in irregularly wound bobbin and fed continuously in accordance with wear a special die. The control system is more complicated because of the need for control 5 axes: X, Y, Z, as well as U and V – to move the upper die with respect to the bottom. These shifts are necessary for the slope wire.



OBJECTIVE SPECIFIC: Produzir and to understand texts in adequate way to each situation of communicative interaction; Descrever the discursivo sort called email or e-mail; Identificar discursivos elements and to differentiate some recurrent definitions in the text, structure, aesthetic composition and; Identificar the literal support where the email is grafado; Perceber as the change of the customs intervenes directly with the form as the culture and history if it expands, making analyses of letters written at other times; Interagir by means of the worked literal sort, taking in consideration the discursiva modality and the literal sequncia, to involve real enunciadores and enunciatrios. METHODOLOGY: Initially to request that the pupil makes a bibliographical research to understand the post office eletrnico/e-mail, as discursivo sort, come to formulate its concept proper of agreement. Also suggesting that they evaluate other types of correspondence (letters, tickets, etc.). Creation of email of the proper pupils, exchanges of same between itself and professors and the employees of the school, to increase the virtual community and to diversify the profile of the users. The exchange can extended to somebody that ele/a (aluno/a) knows and with who already changes messages in the Internet, or the email of a former-colleague, a friend that moved of city, or still of an authority of the City etc. and, after that, the addressee defines itself to initiate the procedures of the electronic communication. The professor presents diverse modalities of e-mails printed matters, as well as disponibiliza the access softwares more used for analysis and generation of messages, having to alert them how much to the act of receiving and sending of messages of propagandas, alerting to them how much to the risks of exposition of the computer to the chain act of receiving or indesejadas messages (Spam) that, they can later damage the programs or cause other damages to them. Later, the pupil will have to choose a subject of its preference, or one of the suggested ones, developing commentaries on such subject.


Wood Chips and Geogrids

The new technology uses wood chips, which is placed on the geogrid. The use of geogrids can redistribute the load to a large footprint and increase the bearing capacity of pavement coating. During the construction of an experimental plot in the woods visited all the project participants, the leadership of the Forestry Institute, representatives of enterprises road construction. After a series of passes on the pilot section of road 37-ton truck design decision proved to be effective. Strengthening the subgrade polyester geogrid significantly reduces the amount of earthwork, reduces labor, speeds up production and reduce construction costs.

The use of geogrids allows for uniform precipitation of subgrade. Not many dare to Similar experiments using geogrids, following the instincts of the old ways safer, but progress is moving forward. But there are those who develops innovative methods. As you know, all the new perceived with difficulty. To check and study of innovation, geosynthetics in construction of forest roads are best to go by experimentation and learn from the experience of predecessors.

This principle in his work on the development of oil and gas industry guided and UGC. The only thing we can say with confidence – and requires commercial roads will be built, and the sooner we think about their quality and application of technologies with geogrid reinforcement, the be able to save more in the future. Indeed, following the old canons of construction, the result is known to all … After several passages of heavy vehicles on the road, formed a deep rut. We, the transporters to solve this problem regular grading. Now you can get rid of koleeobrazovaniya, only increasing the profitability of times due to the quality of roads on new technology.



It is opportune to ratify that the great majority of the available information meets stored and they are changed between the most varied automatized systems. Innumerable times, developed decisions and actions elapse of the information manipulated for the systems, thus being all and any information must be complete, needing to be available, a time that could be stored, be recouped, manipulated or processed if thus she will be necessary, as well as power to be changed of safe and trustworthy form. It is necessary to point out that the information constitutes a merchandise of utmost importance for the organizations of the diverse segments, therefore the Security of the Information has been a question of raised priority in the organizations and the world. Security of the information understands a set of measures that they aim at to protect and to preserve information and systems of important information, assuring the integrity, the availability, the authenticity, the privacy and the confidencialidade of these information. In this direction, the protection mechanisms have for objective to create a support to the restoration of systems of information, being added capacities of detention, reaction and, mainly, protection.

The use of these elements is made in accordance with the specific necessities of each organization, or institution. Thus, its use can be determined by the susceptibility of the information or systems of information, by the level of threats or any other decisions of management of risks. The organizations and, more widely, the countries include in its goals the strong use of criptografia as protection, beyond the incentive to the education in questions of security guard, the availability of technology of the information with support the security, the infrastructure of security management and the availability of monitoramento mechanisms and alert capacity of the possible threats. The current forms of implementation of mechanisms of security in information systems, as the criptografia, that is used as prevention or solution for imperfections in security, in the ample majority of the cases, is notadamente techniques, and tend it are? lo in degree each bigger time, has seen the fact of the presented initiatives if to base on updates and sofisticaes of the technology.


Important Search

One of the ways to acquire the excellency as professional of YOU is to search improvements in the technique. The programmer looks for to codify in little time and with better quality moving the work method; the specialist in nets he improves the performance; the manager of projects creates methodologies of its industry to minimize the risks of the project. Each one inside of its specialty, studies what it makes and dumb the technique to improve it, modifying the activities, the tools and the people execute who it. However, the improvement of the technique in itself is not the only way to improve the final service that is given. Many times, we must make a radical change in the work form, questioning the technique in its bedding. To question and to know the reason of the technique are so important how much to know to execute it with perfection. Therefore we can modify it na structure, improving the result quickly.

A good example of this argument is the techniques that maximize the localization of sites for the buscadores. Goal, contents and I register in cadastre of word-keys are techniques that use the knowledge of as the buscadores function. These in turn are structuralized in reason of the behavior of internauta when searching an information. Therefore, so that the techniques function, it is important that let us capture the behavior of the consumer. If the site divulges services, searches which is its necessities as they search the information. From this bedding we come back to the technique and we change the content of the site, that starts to be more directed for who search the product. This process of regression can taking in them until a principle. For example, when we confrot in them with a problem in our infrastructure, we can asking in them if really a cause for the problem in question exists.


Elizabeth Maria

In this Dowbor direction (1994, P. 122) it adds that, (…) front parallel existncia of this delay and the modernization, is that we have that to work ‘ two tempos’ , making optimum possible in the delayed universe which constituted our Education, but creating quickly conditions for one utilizao’ nossa’ of the new potentials that appear. Therefore, the technology starts to adentrar the educational spaces, pertaining to school naformao of supervisors and overseers, in the contextualizada action nasexperincias, practical knowledge and. these, in turn, have aoportunidade to insert the technology in practical its, resell and reelaborando it, placing this practical as focus of the proper formation. The supervisors einspetores are formadores and partners of the educators, with which compartilhamprticas and reflections. In this boarding formaoque is about one if it develops natransversalidade of the resume; he interrelates formation-action, action-reflection, reality-content, man-machine, art-technology, theory-practical.

As the Prado (1993, p.99) (…) the learning of a new referencialeducacional involves mentality change (…). Change of values, conceptions, ideas and, consequently, of attitudes is not one mechanical act. Umprocesso is reflective, depurative, of reconstruction, that implies in transformation, and to transform means to know. Concluding, the technology cannot be ignored by the education and, muitomenos for that in the educative space they have the function of assisting to think to erepensar the pedagogical changes making possible that the school is not espaodesconectado of the sociocultural reality of the present time. The supervisor and pertaining to school oinspetor need to recognize the technology as to assist in the processoeducativo and, mainly, the process of continuous formation of the eeducandos educators, in way that is possible, in the educative space, to use to advantage odesenvolvimento for the construction and rework to know necessary to the aoeducativa. REFERENCES: ALMEIDA, Elizabeth Maria. Computer science and Formation of Professores.Braslia/DF: Parma publishing company, year 2000 (vol.2).



It is in this phase where the pages HTML, buttons, links, forms and animaes in flash will be created (from the layout before drawn). To execute this task the Webdesigner professional must have the same cited knowledge previously already. To the end of this stage a static site and without content is had. Programming of the Site This stage consists of becoming the gerencivel site, that is, of form that the proper customer can modify texts, images and animation in Flash, through an administrator of easy understanding. This phase must be made by a programmer (to webdeveloper) with knowledge in HTML, data base and programming language. Nowadays it has a series of programming languages that can be used, amongst the most common ASP, PHP, and Java. Publication of the Site the publication of the site consists of publishing the site in a server in the Internet (for this it is necessary to have an account of Lodging of site), making the adjustments and configurations Lodging of site for Web. Suppliers of lodging of sites typically are companies who supply a space in its servers and connection to the Internet to these data to its customers To have an account of Lodging of site means to rent a space (in Megabytes or Gigabytes) in the HD of a server of a supplier of Lodging of Sites.

This space will serve to publish the archives of its site, that is, the pages in HTML, the archives of programming, the data base, the texts, the images, the animaes, etc. To house its site are necessary so that it can at any time be had access by any user of any place and of the day or the night! You are welcome ahead to create a site and to leave it in its computer. The users of the world all will not obtain to have access its computer to see its site. With an account of site lodging its site will only be available 24 hours per day in the Internet! Different Plans the difference of the lodging plans are related to the resources that its site will need the server (machine where its site will be housed) stops to focar natural (or organic) of the search mechanisms.? Links sponsored is paid announcements in the sites of search? email marketing – the email marketing consists of going off a part advertising executive, for email, the users in the Internet? spreading in social nets


Roofing Decking

ROLE cultural features in the perception of color and linguistics at the culture of different peoples emotional and applied the color perception different, and due to the long historical tradition in the country, society and nation. Hence, different perceptions, for example, white and black (mourning or joy – from culture to culture, religion). Since the specific language and culture is accumulated in a particular historical experience of people of color representation in different people different things. Thus, in Russian, Ukrainian, for example, Polish, there are two separate words blue and light blue. In Unlike many other Germanic languages, in which a range of colors corresponding to part of the spectrum is covered by a single symbol, like English blue (Wed. it. blau and fr. bleu).

A similar system tsvetooboznacheniya blue-and-blue colors accepted in virtually all Slavic languages. This is due to the fact that our ancestors lived and grew as a nation among the brightest of nature by developing agriculture, the early start to lead a sedentary way of life, which was the basis of their own homes surrounded by beautiful scenery. Forests, fields, flowers, rivers, seas, abundance of fruits and vegetables, bright climate – all require their own names and definitions. Related to this is a rich vocabulary of designation of colors among the Slavic peoples. Exactly so long since color had to have a much greater importance than for other nationalities.

Even in the most distant inhabitants of the Ukrainian village tend to decorate the walls of the house, make a bright woodwork every year repaint the old tin roofs. With the development of advanced technologies become available to people Roofing Decking, in particular metal, which in recent years, a real boom. Industrial group "Arsenal" – leader in the production of this material in Ukraine, a separate emphasis on the retail, that is, private developers. Formed a broad sales network in Ukraine: 46 branches and 800 offices.



f) Playful aspects: * to verify if it offers realistic situations related to the content to be developed, of natural and playful form; * if it allows that the pupil perceives that the specific content is working. g) Psicopedaggicos aspects: * if the game, of some form, motivates the questioning, stimulates the fancy and the curiosity. If you would like to know more then you should visit Atmos Energy . h) Feedback: * when the pupil erra, to verify if feedback is pleasant and not constrangedor; * if the answers are verified correctly, making possible a positive reinforcement at adequate moments; * if feedback emitted allows that the pupil reflects on its error and tries corrigiz it without ostensive intervention of the professor. i) Performance of the Pupil: * to verify if the game it offers feedback of the progress of the pupil during its use and if it offers a summary of its global performance, in the end of its use. j) Exercises: In case that the game offers exercises during its use, the following aspects can be verified * if the statements allow that the pupil understands what he is being asked for; * if it has a relation enters the activities/plays carried through during the considered game and exercises.


The Prices

It is possible that now it is obtained, which has not been obtained by means of the confrontations of classes. The social ecologists take to decades indicating this circumstance. The global movement by climatic justice also has been noticed of this opportunity. Lamentably others, with different intentions also have realized. It is added to us, that the great groups of being able are perfectly abreast of the possible social consequences of the climatic change. The system is in one of its cycles of crisis, we remember: 2008 crises of the prices of foods, 2009 crises of markets, 2010 environmental crises.

The resilience of the capitalist system this jeopardizes, its survival this in game. Atmos Energy may find it difficult to be quoted properly. The hegemonic groups are not going to resign to their privileges to solve the problem. They, in an attitude kamikaze, rush themselves hurried to the fatal destiny, and to his myopic she sentences us attitude to all. The neoclassic dogma is so deeply ingrained in its minds, that truly think that this situation can be solved without radical changes. It is not necessary to despise the faith that " society occidentalizada" it has in his Gods: all-powerful science and the efficient market. The dogma says that they will offer the solution us. This is a dangerous illusion, Griffon adds to us, that with respect to the climatic change two levels exist that we must discuss and face. In a first level we must establish clearly what is the direct person in charge of the problem.

In this case he is not other that world-wide the economic system. This system manages to reduce to all the people to simple consumers, not knowing this way inherent complexities any human being. Within the framework of the neoclassic logic, the complexity of the human being is reduced to a well-known morisqueta as Homo economicus and is assumed that the material needs of the society are infinite, reason for which the market must offer infinites products.