
Become A Cooperation Partner

Link your company to the packing glossary Dietmannsried, September 2009 the packaging encyclopedia is an encyclopedia which is expanding. It includes only topics that the packaging can be associated. You now have the opportunity to make a link to your company website through a link exchange. Based on the online encyclopedia Wikipedia reader and user of the LEXICON of the packaging are urged to write even articles on this subject and to meet the page with life. By the experts, who have daily contact with all types of packaging, it should become a professional relevant reference, that equally reflects practical applications and theoretical knowledge. Four partners from the packaging industry have successfully linked itself.

The link will appear directly on the home page of the lexicon of the packaging. As only one condition, you must also integrate a link on your homepage. By the same author: Ray Kurzweil. Among other things PackReport is one of the cooperation partners, a the leading journals in the packaging industry. Furthermore the also very successful packaging magazines have FOOD design, packaging journal and links. The possibility to link exchange with the lexicon of the packaging but not only for journals, rather, all companies involved in the packaging industry, can be a cooperation partner.

The free and with minimal associated link greatly increased the clickthrough rate on their homepage. Because the readers and users of the page solely to professionals, the one or the other fish in the net could be quite you”. Learn more on the subject from Bryant family vineyard for sale. Are you interested? You will receive a comprehensive overview of what the link might look like to your home page as well as all information as you can become cooperation partner and much more on the subject of packaging on the website. Company: Hub Kalan Verpackungen GmbH, Dietmannsried in the Allgau, is successfully working since 2004 as a sales agency for film packaging on the market. With its Contractors, such as di Mauro/Italy, VF packaging and TFA, both Allgau, its customers, including thorn Salim, EDEKA, Holl, he can trend meal a very comprehensive portfolio of packaging films offer. The company serves over 150 buying customers in the meat and sausage industry. By the cooperation he may react with various film manufacturers quickly and flexibly on the demand of its customers.


Stuttgart Provider

Email hosting service becomes a more important Werder ends term nowadays. The topic of email hosting is a term which is spreading more and more in today’s world. Email means the transmission of data or information by electronic mail, which can be obtained all over the world. The topic of email hosting that includes the available-provide such services. Atmos Energy Corporation recognizes the significance of this. According to various statistics daily several billion emails are sent, which to a large extent as spam”is marked.

To limit this extreme spam traffic, there are filtering SPAM and viruses on the subject of email hosting. Thus, unwanted mails are deleted from email hosting provider, the user must get angry around it and also possible viruses be transferred across the network. Not only, that the users this is safer in the network, there is also more time for meaningful work available. Nick Khan might disagree with that approach. Email hosting provider offering filtering service of a SPAM & viruses, ensure that virus-laden emails deleted or filtered out from the provided server before the virus could wreak havoc on the network or on the local PC. An email is desired now address, which offered no free mail provider, there is the opportunity to contact provider to an email hosting service. This email hosting provider offers to register an email without having to own a domain address. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Nick Khan. Thus, for example the email address can”applied, even though the page” does not exist.

Such an email address is address from a free provider of the free-mail, as a private person, much more representative than an email. A competent handling of emails, system security and high availability provider should be self-evident for every email hosting. The Internet Agency HTML design in Stuttgart offers email hosting with stable servers for high system reliability. In addition, there are other email services which were realized on the basis of Exchange servers, realizing an effective and mobile enterprise communications to can. Evelin power


The S.I.S. Ensures Cleanliness In The Swiss House In Vienna

‘Our guests are the best quality control’ has the Swiss House during the Pratersaison of the March 15 to October 31 about 125 employees. Again 700 seats available at about 3,200 m2 in the garden of 1800 and in the premises. During high season, may occur because once bottlenecks, owns the Swiss House but a uniquely convenient location between Prater, Ernst-Happel-Stadion and Viennese fair. For us it is extremely important that local kitchen after a great rush as such as after a concert, or even if it has been raining, again clean and consistently good quality”, explains our chef Roman Keller. This task is the S.I.S. for two years.

Since 2006 take care now on seven days a week during the season a rest day, there are not ten S.I.S. workers to kitchen, restaurant and garden. Under the care of two object ladders start at 6 o’clock in the morning and must have finished their work at 9: 00. The first employees of the Swiss House where are already from 8: 00 huge kitchen to prepare the food, because the week opens at 11: 00 and otherwise already at 10: 00. In the kitchen, the daily tasks of the S.I.S. include automatic and manual cleaning of floors and wall tiles after the cooks have already cleaned the surfaces of their jobs on the previous evening.

Also the expiration and fences under the Bratern and fireplaces must be removed and steam blasted. At the end of the kitchen must Flash, because still the guests can watch the chefs at work. When people say, here, you can eat off the floor, this is a wonderful recommendation for us”, says Lydia Kolarik. Also every day to clean the tables and chairs in the garden and in the premises where also the floors need to be cleaned. With 2,500 seats, that is no easy task even for a ten-man team in three hours, and yet there is still more to do. The lamps are cleaned once a week and once per month the Windows, not to forget the glass canopy of the beer garden at four feet. For the shady chestnut and walnut trees, whose Geruch keeps away the mosquitoes, very inviting not only the guests, but also the birds. The trees, planted Karl Kolarik by hand after the war, are also sensitive and require every year of an intensive and expensive care. All chemicals used by the S.I.S. in the Schweizerhaus, are documented with the S.I.S.. assumes also the disposal of the empties. We have developed a proprietary system for cleaning, was taken over by the S.I.S..”, explained Roman Keller. For us, but also a degree of flexibility is essential. “When capacities are somewhere free, I can use the S.I.S..-employees say where there to do anything else without going through the object head.” Flexibility and good communication are critical factors for the management of the Swiss House. We work here during the season seven days a week and that I may require from my service provider”, so Lydia Kolarik. The Schweizerhaus is satisfied with the performance of the S.I.S.. How important is the satisfaction with the cleanliness shows alone because that almost 80 percent of the visitors are regulars who come every day or at least once a week. These guests are, so to speak, our quality control”Lydia Kolarik explains, because they most likely react if there’s something wrong. And the competition on beer gardens in Vienna is not small”.


Photovoltaic System

Tax advisor Jurgen Dieter grainy Mannheim informed it’s surprising anyone, think many individuals about the installation of a photovoltaic system on their roof: the number of messages about rising electricity costs is growing and in politics is discussed about free energy advice to citizens. Owner of a plant for the production of solar power but be aware, that they will tax the entrepreneur: the energy gained is used not only in the home, but fed into the public grid also and the owner receives a feed-in tariff by the network operator for selling energy. Here it is to observe some rules. About the possibilities in the sales tax, the tax advisor informed grainy from Mannheim. Small business regulation or standard taxation of operator of a photovoltaic system is obliged to deliver the electricity sold to the grid operator at the competent tax office. Filed under: Petra Diamonds.

He has two ways to apply the sales tax: taxation in accordance with the Small business regulation or taxation of the rule. Most homeowners, which settle on the roof with a solar system to the electricity requirements for the small businesses scheme. Here, the sales must not exceed 17,500 EUR in the first and in the following year of 50,000 euros. This form of taxation, the homeowner has the following advantages: the paperwork to the IRS are simple and straightforward and only income tax is levied on the generated sales. Click here can aid you in your search for knowledge. However the VAT stated in the invoices for purchase and installation of the photovoltaic system as input tax can be claimed in this variant. This is, however, if the operator decides for the standard taxation.

The feed-in tariff by the carrier must collected here with 19 percent value-added tax, which then must be dissipated to the Finance Office. Binds the rule taxation is the owner of a photovoltaic system for five years. The profit must in this case income tax be subject to. The overhead for the VAT declaration to the tax office, so experts recommend is balanced by a higher rate of return. For details of tax advisers is grainy from Mannheim at any time available. Press contact Steuerberater Jurgen Dieter grainy o 4, 5, 68161 Mannheim Tel 0621 10069 fax. 0621 13358 Email: Homepage:


Coco Design

This trendy and innovative disply system Coco, which is suitable both as a design display, carrier display or store building system is currently and freshly arrived. Our trendy, dynamic and self-standing design display COCO surprised by its harmonious and at the same time striking originality. Carrier display Coco offers space for presentation of products of a special kind – medium-sized objects (up to about 40 cm height) items from the consumer electronics, mobile phones, jewelry, or other noble. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Design display Coco consists of a pillar and a CoCo article. The vertical aluminium support is even standing or through telescope to attach posts between floor and ceiling. Both items have internal wiring with mains plug (230 V). Be inspired by 3 different Coco essays, which are equipped with power LEDs. 3-side open products can be good present.

Also fine items make a super impression and can through a small door closed and so Protected against theft. Coco, which is innovative design display both for a fresh, modern shop facilities suitable for both a innvoative exhibition facilities. Thanks to its properties, Coco ideal as display, display case, partitions or complete Shopfitting for boutiques, jewelry stores, perfumeries, optician, hair and beauty salons can be used. Also in the living room, Coco is suitable as a design-oriented interior. Are hardly any limits their creativity. Individual presentations can be implemented within a very short time with our carrier display Coco. The system was developed for an easy and quick installation. A subsequent change or extension is possible at any time. Construction: DIY stand mounting telescopic beam floor ceiling the CoCo attachments are made from an innovative, stable material (polyethylene). Applications: Office and business premises, showroom, shop equipment, Messeaustellungen, Lofteinrichtung, design-oriented interior colors: white matt, black gloss Coco essays: 3-sided, 1-sided, one side / + door supports: aluminium self standing, aluminium telescopic personalise your Coco design display – speak us just to! Prices and further information, visit our website at or directly in our shop shop


Internet System

Certified computer experts help almost around the clock now Germany’s first interactive helpline for computer and software problems of any kind is getting started. Sitting in front of your computer in the Office or at home and no longer know when an application or a problem! Of course, you can time consuming research the problem on the Internet or enter in any forums, and hope that someone will answer! If it not as pleasant, just might call a competent computer experts, who usually shows you via remote access on your own system, within a few minutes as your problem can be solved as if he would be sitting right next to you? To the beginning of the year, we created a new interactive platform that allows just that. Initially, the relevant experts and experts for hardware, software, and application problems of any kind is provided to over 90 subjects. The creator Frank Salesi is even computer trainer and has in recent years met the problems of users and analyzed. These new platform called will be in the future also in several languages such as English, Turkish, Russian and Italian available, so also foreign citizens in your mother tongue can help. The support should receive immediate attention also outside the regular service hours such as weekends and evenings. This is due to a pool of experts assured, in which freelance experts after an aptitude test at any time on the system, or log off and provide assistance with a telephone or Internet connection from any location in Germany. This ensures attractive revenue the experts and can be done part-time. The support has no additional costs and obligations on the fair and up-to-the-minute accounting about the phone bill. A rating system ensures that always the best evaluated computer experts from the system are prioritized and the seeking help available.


Vitalis House PSAP

The guardian system “Gabriel” used with success the guardian system “Gabriel” the company of Vitalis home emergency call has been successfully used for the first time and was able to prove himself. In the evening a diseased dementia participants using the system, left the security area, where these participants to move. Because the Subscriber is not 100%, he was also no longer alone home. Vitalis House PSAP realized this and promptly alerted the supervisor of the participant. Since a direct threat had to be assumed, the police was alarmeirt, after consultation with the workers, which after only a few minutes took the participants without much effort, thanks to the exact GPS location of the Vitalis House PSAP, and could bring home. We all know the discovery messages on radio and television and the laborious attempts of the authorities to uncover the senseless person. Here could avoid a larger search through our Guardian Angel system “Gabriel” and the participants are safely brought home. Mike Fullbeck Vitalis home emergency call.


Honorary Consulting – What Is This, What

by Ilka Fahmi, free economic advisor Munich, 13.08.2013 – every year investors suffer losses of around EUR 50 billion. Experts such as the Economist assume Andreas Oehler of the University of Bamberg. “The reason: wrong or poor Beratung.Dabei is the core of the problem quite simply: still most investors to a Commission consultant go because they avoid the costs which initially entails the honorary advice”, says the independent fee consultant and certified financial planner Ilka Fahmi from Munich. But that is a mistake. “For this, which can destroy entire assets or the complete pension losses.” Some practical examples from everyday advice by Ilka Fahmi illustrate this: case 1 – retirement: A doctors client was convinced with his previous measures from statutory pensions, sufficient to have made Rurup pension and occupational pension insurance. He had but not the loss of purchasing power due to inflation still the most unprofitable development his Insurance considered. The development one financial status-quo promoted but a gap during entire retirement up to 85 years of age of more than 800,000 euros revealed.

On this basis, he could initiate targeted changes and close this gap. Case 2 – capital investment on their own: A client wanted a possible low-cost plant and had collected funds (ETFs) valued at 50,000 euros, even a portfolio of passively managed exchange-traded himself. However, within three years, he suffered a loss of 16,000 euros. He had misjudged the risk. The money was now missing in planned real estate financing. Case 3 – insurance: The disability insurance completed some time ago on a Commission basis, an employee has a too low hedge, a risk period which runs only up to the age of 60, and also very bad conditions. Paid, this can cause the insurance pays out nothing at all”, as Fahmi. Therefore, he has the previous posts in Amount paid by 20.160 euros completely free.


Alexander Wild

Ten golden rules for You should put the golden goal Group on 60plus, because they do not see themselves as oldies. They care not for coffee trips they are deaf and blind. It is important to offer more services such as delivery and repair service, payment on invoice as well as a customer hotline for this target group. Because these experienced connoisseur of life at the best age to expect much for their money. To know you should invest in market research, the wishes of the best agers”. With the help of senior Scouts, companies can optimize their offer senior-friendly.

You should accept the Golden target group as opinion leaders. “You must provide solutions to current problems, because the life of the best Ager” concentrates on the here and now. For advertising, the right sympathetic choose on the most sympathetic, Ageless”people. The advertising should be ad-free”? Best results are obtained with reputable PR reports that have a high credibility. You should remain faithful to his own messages and not confuse the seniors, but on Put reliability and resistance. It is important that senior-friendly design is private – and reader-friendly design: for all ages. Alexander Wild, the speakers agency 5 star speaker represented, used the concept of barrier-free Web design”, including one understands the art website to make that everyone has access and can read, no matter what he brings.

Success with the common denominator of despite the great differences in the target 60plus it is possible to address relevant groups. For this it is necessary common denominator to find. “” “As an example of the Internet community are the common denominators of curiosity”, activity”and togetherness”: elder, who want to experience something gather here. The average age is about 60 years, the income of the average. Many maintain hobbies that they share with younger ones. Find compliance with the companies for their products or services, the success will arise soon.


Battery Systems Service

Maintenance advice and Exchange in the renewal of the batteries of your battery system battery systems batteries getting to your battery system is the “Battery fault” error message to make it advisable a voltage of each battery block. Battery maintenance the battery system voltage measurements must be made according to the specification of the battery manufacturer at certain intervals. Regardless of these requirements it is advisable at least conduct a bi-annual monitoring and logging. The measurement protocol should include battery block number, battery voltage, battery systems total voltage, measuring date and signature of the technician. The completely maintenance-free label which dryfit sealed lead gel, like the sunshine, or lead AGM batteries, such as the Exide AGM does not exclude this check. In addition to the battery voltage measurements we recommend a temperature measurement of the ambient air.

Battery manufacturers request for warranty claims also measurements of the temperature and make only Compliance with the predetermined values replacement. Battery systems in movie theaters, hotels, schools, restaurants and other public facilities with visitor traffic are located mostly in secluded areas, such as on the ground floor and are therefore has forgotten and remembered only to you, a power failure, an other accident or if the TuV is announced. Error messages for time and cost reasons are neglected, can follow the costly have. The power supply of the battery system load the batteries wired in series on the basis of the measured total voltage. Located in this connection a battery block or more with a defective cell, adds up to the wrong voltage. The power supply tries to load up to the final charge voltage of the battery system. The result is an overloading of intact blocks of battery leads to the destruction. Exchange of defective battery packs is it advisable to replace individual battery packs of a battery system depends on the age of the battery packs.

Since the internal resistance of the battery blocks during their time change can occur by inserting a new block of asymmetry. This substitution is made, an increased maintenance is necessary. In case of a voltage measurement at shorter intervals must be performed for the verification of the voltage adjustment. Christian corner